Govt’s Job Keeper payment fails many in arts, entertainment and creative industry


The Federal Government’s Job Keeper payment rules fail many in the arts, entertainment and creative industry which employs many casuals and seasonal workers, the Greens say.

Greens Spokesperson for the Arts Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said while the payment is welcome, she is extremely worried for casual employees who won’t meet the threshold 12-months employed to qualify for the Job Keeper payment.

“The casualisation of our workforce particularly in those hardest hit industries – hospitality tourism and arts and entertainment - means employees in these sectors work seasonally and festival to festival and there is a large churn. They shouldn’t miss out because they haven’t had their positions for 12 months,” Senator Hanson-Young said.

“The Government has shown a lack of understanding about how these sectors operate and their work structures.

"The Greens will fight to amend these rules so employees can be kept on regardless of whether they have been there for 12 months. We will try to make sure people who have lost their job during this crisis get the support they need.

“Hospitality, tourism and arts and entertainment industries are intertwined and will be crucial to our economic recovery.

“We need to keep people connected to their regular workplaces to give these hardest-hit sectors the best chance to rebound after this crisis.”