Greens announce climate and energy election plan





Greens announce climate and energy election plan

The Australian Greens have released their climate and energy plan for the upcoming federal election. Releasing the policy Renew Australia 2030: Powering past coal for a future for all of us, Greens Leader Richard Di Natale joined climate and energy spokesperson Adam Bandt MP at a building powered by renewables, the 60L Green Building, in the heart of his Melbourne electorate.

The climate and energy plan includes:

  • 100% renewables by 2030 including support for households and business solar and batteries and the establishment of renewable energy zones

  • A new public energy retailer Power Australia and re-regulation of electricity prices

  • Phasing out the burning and export of thermal coal supported by a $1 billion transition plan for workers

  • The building of a solar export industry based on hydrogen and direct exports to Asia

  • Doubling energy productivity and a reduction in pollution across the economy driven by industry programs, a energy efficiency target and a carbon price

  • A shift to electric cars with the phase out of petrol car sales

  • Support for farmers to drawdown carbon in the land

The plan will create 170,000 new jobs and drive Australia towards zero-net emissions by 2040.

Quotes attributable to Dr Richard Di Natale, Australian Greens Leader:

“Coal is the world’s biggest cause of climate change - and Australia is the world’s biggest exporter of coal. Unless we phase out coal, we can’t deal with climate change,” said Dr Di Natale.

“Unlike the major parties, the Greens have a plan to phase out coal exports and create a jobs boom in the renewable energy export industry. Our Renew Australia 2030 action plan will lower energy costs for households and businesses and drive fossil fuels out of the economy.”

“Australia can become a renewable energy super power, replacing coal with clean energy and exporting that clean energy to a global market that’s ready to consume it.

Quotes attributable to Adam Bandt MP, Greens climate change and energy spokesperson:

“This is a plan to take on coal. If you don’t have a plan for coal, you’re not serious about climate change.

“We need to turf out the Coalition coal-huggers, but Labor has no plan for coal either. The Paris Agreement requires us to keep coal in the ground, but Labor and Liberal take millions of dollars from coal corporations and keep exporting this toxic substance.

“Coal mining companies will have to compete for export permits as we phase out thermal coal mining and we have set out a plan to retire coal-fired power stations by 2030. We’ll make sure that no-one will be left behind, as coal workers will be supported with a $1 billion just transition fund.”

Click here to read the full plan to Renew Australia.