Greens announce Julian Burnside as candidate for Kooyong


Julian Burnside AO QC will stand for the Greens in the electorate of Kooyong at the upcoming federal election, said Leader of the Australian Greens Dr Richard Di Natale.

"I’m so excited to be able to announce that Julian Burnside is running as a candidate for the Greens in Kooyong. It’s going to be a tough contest, no question, but we’re in with a real shot now," said Senator Di Natale.

"This Government has been an absolute disaster and no one personifies their absolute failure to take meaningful action on climate change and refugees like Josh Frydenberg. 

"We’re giving Kooyong voters a real choice between Julian Burnside, who’s devoted a lifetime to standing up for the values of decency, generosity and public service and Josh Frydenberg who stands for the interests of his rich donor mates.”

Julian Burnside AO QC said he decided to run because our political system is failing to deal with the big issues of our time.

"I always said I would never enter politics but I feel compelled to throw my hat in the ring because our political system is too broken to deal with the serious issues facing our nation and the globe," said Burnside.

"The Government has utterly failed to take meaningful action on climate change, the most urgent and important issue of our time, and both the Labor and Liberal parties are in lock step over the inhumane treatment of people seeking asylum.

"Both parties are compromised by their allegiance to their big corporate donors but I commit to listening to advice of scientists and experts and the voice of people in Kooyong.

"I look forward to working with Oliver Yates to show that by denying climate change and human rights, the Liberals no longer represent the people of Kooyong. The old parties are no longer standing up for the best interests of people. The time has come for change, and I look forward to Oliver Yates and I prosecuting our respective visions for a fairer, smarter Australia.

"I'm proud to stand as a candidate for the Greens and it would be a great honour to represent the people of Kooyong. It will be a challenging contest but I'm looking forward to the campaign ahead."