
DjabWurrung, Gunnai and Gunditjmara Senator for Victoria and Greens First Nations spokesperson Lidia Thorpe announced our plan to develop a national Treaty or Treaties with First Nations people that is grounded in telling the truth about our history.

With a minority power-sharing parliament looming, the Greens in balance of power will kick the Liberals out and push the next government to establish a fully-funded ‘Truth and Justice Commission’ to oversee a process of truth telling, and to begin a consultation process for a Treaty with First Nations’ peoples.

Australian Greens Spokesperson for Justice and First Nations, Senator Lidia Thorpe said:

“We all need to understand the truth of our history to move forward. Our painful and ongoing legacy of colonisation hasn't properly recognised the sovereignty of the First People of this continent. A Treaty would be an opportunity for us to learn the truth and shape the future of the country we all deserve.”

“The first step in our journey to Treaty or Treaties involves truth-telling first. We need to explore, understand, and reckon with our past and the impact it continues to have on First Nations people. The Greens will begin our journey towards Treaty by establishing a national and independent Truth and Justice Commission.”

“Guided by the work of the Truth and Justice Commission, the next step in our journey towards a Treaty involves engaging and involving the community in developing the Treaty or Treaties via a national consultation and engagement process. All voices must be heard, our journey towards Treaty is the unfinished business we must complete together.”

“This election is closer than you think, your vote is powerful, you can put the Greens in balance of power where we'll make sure the next government stops locking grassroots First Nations people out of decisions that affect their lives and forcing racist policies on First Nations communities.”

Leader of the Australian Greens Adam Bandt MP said:

“This country we call Australia is founded on violence and dispossession. Until we tell the truth about our past and strike a Treaty with First Nations owners that recognises their sovereignty, there will be a painful hole in the centre of our democracy.

“For decades politicians have kicked the can down the road, telling First Nations peoples that truth and
treaty are not priorities. Enough is enough.

“Treaty would be a powerful moment of unity for our continent. Only by truly reckoning with the past can we have a shared and united future.”

In balance of power the Greens will push for:

  • $250m for a national Truth and Justice Commission, an independent body with the powers of a Royal Commission. The Commission would investigate and reveal historic and ongoing human rights abuses, wrongdoing, and provide recommendations on how to heal from them

  • Beginning the national consultation process to promote discussion, raise awareness, and promote engagement on the need for Treaty or Treaties


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