Greens back High Court fight to save Murray-Darling


The Greens are backing a High Court challenge to fight for South Australia's water and the Murray-Darling Basin if the Federal Government won't deliver it on time.

Greens Senator for South Australia and Environment and Water Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young said:

"South Australia needs to stand up to the upstream states to save the Murray-Darling and fight for our state and our environment.

"If the Federal Government won’t deliver the water needed and promised we should fight for it in the High Court.

"I’ll work with all and any fellow South Australians to save our Murray.

"This is an issue that Greens, Labor and Liberals should be able to unite on.

"For too long the eastern states have taken SA and the River for granted and we need to stand up before its too late.

"The NSW Water Minister declared at a Senate Inquiry last month that NSW would refuse to give any more water to the environment, demanded changes to the Murray-Darling Basin Plan because there was no more water for downstream states.

"South Australia cannot be blackmailed by a state that has mismanaged their end of the Plan and allowed corporate irrigators to run the show. 

"The Plan must be delivered in full and on time for the sake of the entire River system."