Greens call for Australia to support a peaceful and just resolution in New Caledonia. 


Line attributable to Senator Jordon Steele-John, Australian Greens Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Peace: 

“The ongoing violence, and the French authorities' response, in New Caledonia is deeply concerning.

“The Australian Government must respond to the calls of local organisations to support neutral mediation between all parties, supported by the UN and Pacific Leaders. It is paramount that a peaceful resolution is reached. 

“With New Caledonia listed as a colonised territory with the United Nations, the path to peace must prioritise the self-determination of the Indigenous Kanak people and must ensure that all people in New Caledonia can live in peace.

“Additionally, the Greens are calling on the Federal Government to continue their efforts to ensure all citizens, permanent residents and immediate family members, including those outside of Noumea, are supported to return to Australia.”