Greens call for JobKeeper & JobSeeker extension after NSW COVID outbreak


Leader of the Australian Greens Adam Bandt MP has today called on the government to defer the looming cuts to JobKeeper and JobSeeker in light of the growing COVID outbreak in NSW.

The Coronavirus Supplement is due to drop $200 a month in just 10 days, before being entirely cancelled come March 31.

“With lockdowns and travel bans throwing the country’s Christmas plans into chaos, Scott Morrison must immediately ditch the looming cuts to JobSeeker and JobKeeper,” Mr Bandt said.

“This is no time for Scott Morrison to play Scrooge, cutting payments by $200 a month while people and businesses face an uncertain Christmas.

“Instead of going missing in action as the pandemic bites again, Scott Morrison should pull the levers he’s got and postpone the cuts to payments.

“Where the bloody hell is he?

“While we all hope that lockdowns in NSW will last for days, not weeks, millions of people have been struck with uncertainty over whether they’ll be able to pay the bills come New Year’s Eve.

“You can’t cut the coronavirus supplement while the pandemic is continuing. This $200 could mean the difference between having food on the table or going hungry, and between making rent or facing eviction when protections end.

“People across the country are staying home and shutting their doors to limit the spread of coronavirus, but Scott Morrison isn’t doing his bit. JobSeeker and JobKeeper shouldn’t have been cut during the Victorian lockdown, and they shouldn’t be dropped now either. 

“With just 10 days before the coronavirus supplement comes crashing down, Scott Morrison needs to stop the drop. Cutting income supports is always cruel, but Scott Morrison has picked the worst possible time to do it.”