Greens Call on Labor to be More Ambitious on Childcare


Australian Greens Education Spokesperson, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has responded to the Labor Party’s launch of its childcare and early education policy .

Senator Faruqi  last week launched the Greens' plan to make childcare fee-free for most families, abolish the activity test and guarantee all three and four year olds access to 24 hours of early childhood education a week. The Greens will also provide an extra $200m in capital grants to community and government run centres in areas of highest need as well as supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander run centres. In addition, the Greens are also committed to developing a workforce strategy with the early learning sector and unions to achieve professional pay and better working conditions for workers.

Senator Faruqi said:

“Labor’s plan is a step in the right direction but it  does not abolish the Coalition’s unfair activity test which we know has negatively impacted access to childcare for disadvantaged families.

"The Greens believe that the 100% subsidy should be extended to more families. Under our plan, four in five families will receive free childcare.

"It is good to see Labor partially adopting Greens policies, particularly for one hundred percent subsidies. We will keep pushing them for a more ambitious childcare policy so families and particularly women aren't left behind" she concluded.