Greens call out Government's gas greenwash


Greens Leader, Adam Bandt, has called out the increasing greenwashing of the government’s gas agenda.

The Greens have emphasised since the proclamation of the ‘gas-led recovery’ that gas is as dirty as coal and that plans such as building new gas plants would lock-in climate failure.

“Morrison’s so-called ‘gas-led recovery’ is a shameful exercise in corporate welfare for yesterday’s technology. 

“Adding as little as 5% hydrogen, which is the target for Energy Australia’s mooted ‘hybrid’ plant, is a comb-over for generators of dangerous greenhouse gas emissions.

“Australia is in the box seat to be a leader on batteries, renewables and green hydrogen, but that opportunity is going to be lost if state and federal governments keep pouring tax dollars into fossil-fuels.

“The effect of the gas-led recovery is taxpayers’ money going to Liberal donors to build polluting plants which will push up power bills.

“This is policy running directly against all available evidence.

Reputex studies showed that energy prices will be lower with renewables backed with batteries rather than with more gas.
The International Energy Agency is clear: we can't build any more coal, oil or gas assets and stop runaway global heating.
The experts who manage our energy system (AEMO) have said we don't need any new gas.”

“Gas use by Australians is going down each and every year and a government investment in new gas is going to be an expensive white elephant.

“But this isn’t just a giant waste of taxpayers’ money which will drive up the cost of electricity, it’s also going to create market volatility and slow the transition to renewable energy. 

Liberal Donor Links

The Snowy Hydro Kurri Kurri proposal is set to be built on land owned by a Liberal Party donor and NSW ICAC regular, Jeff McCloy, who described himself as “a walking ATM for the NSW Liberal Party."

Additionally, the chair of Snowy Hydro, David Knox, previously served as CEO of gas company and Coalition donor Santos. Santos is lined up to sell the gas to Snowy Hydro as part of this deal.

As for Tallawarra B, proponents Energy Australia (subsidiary of Hong Kong-based China Light and Power) have made over $57,000 in donations to the Liberal party, and in return the NSW Liberal/National government has gifted them $78 million while the Commonwealth has granted them a further $5 million to get their gas plant to financial close. 

“This all adds up to a terrible chapter in the history of an Australian icon. Australians strongly opposed the sale of the Snowy, and they’ll equally oppose the attempts by this government to use it as a fossil-fuel virtue signalling bonanza for their gas and coal donors.”