Greens call for red card on gambling advertising in light of A-League betting scandal


Responding to the news of arrests in A-League betting scandal, Greens spokesperson for communications Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said:

“Gambling has no place in our sports. Today’s news is just the latest example - while gambling advertising remains on our televisions, addiction continues to wreck lives, communities and sport.

“Gambling ads on television must be banned as a matter of urgency. By addressing the root of the problem we can not only crack down on actions like those that have come to light today, but ensure we are doing the right thing by our Australian families and communities.

“I have told the Minister we are willing to work with the Government to make this happen, yet it continues to be delayed.

“The power and donations of the gambling lobby cannot be allowed to infect our democracy and sports. Unless we act urgently, the door is wide open for the cashed-up gambling lobby to pressure the Government to water down the reforms we know we need now. We’ve seen this before and we shouldn’t let it happen again.

“The Greens are ready to legislate - it’s time for a red card on gambling ads.”