Greens call on Turnbull to get behind Redfern Statement


The Australian Greens have recommitted to the Redfern Statement presented to political leaders today and call on the Federal Government to urgently commit to the recommendations and engagement approach outlined.

 “The Government is notorious in using rhetoric when talking about reducing disadvantage for our First Peoples – the Redfern Statement offers Aboriginal-led solutions to closing the gap in a timely manner rather than going backwards”, Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert said today. 

“The Government should immediately implement recommendation that the $534 million cut from the Aboriginal sector by the Government be re-instated. That money could go towards pursuing the priority areas outlined in the Redfern Statement and would serve as a solid foundation for resetting the efforts to close the gap.

 “As previously outlined in my letter to the Prime Minister, I support the Redfern Statement’s calls for justice targets. I hope the PM has good news and that he announces them in his Closing the Gap remarks.

 “I welcome The Redfern Statement’s calls for reconciliation including a discussion around treaties and look forward to these discussions.

 “The Government needs to genuinely consider the Redfern Statement if we are to make any genuine progress in reducing disadvantage and achieving reconciliation with our First Peoples”.