Greens call for urgent update of Australia’s ventilation standards for hotel quarantine 


In light of the highly transmissible Delta strain now in the community, the Greens say it's a shocking failure of leadership of the Morrison Government that they haven’t required an update of  Australia’s infection prevention and control guidelines to address airborne transmission and ventilation in hotel quarantine.  
I have been asking the Government about these guidelines for months and months and now here we are with the Delta variant in the community and no update to the national guidelines for how quarantine hotels should manage airborne transmission. 
The Government must urgently update these guidelines so that hotel quarantine facilities clearly recognise the risks of airborne transmission and meet national standards.
Every hotel quarantine facility must be properly tested and pass ventilation standards to stop healthy returned travellers from contracting covid during hotel quarantine.
The Government wants to pretend things are back to normal, even with almost every state or territory under lockdown or restrictions.  If we don’t fix quarantine, this will not end.
Media Contact
Lucy Cowcher-Guthrie: 0418 401 180