Greens candidate for Eden-Monaro champions climate action


The Greens are proud to announce Cathy Griff, long-term resident of the rural hamlet of Tanja on the NSW Far South Coast, as our candidate for the upcoming Eden-Monaro by-election.

As a Bega Shire Councillor, Cathy has been at the forefront of progressive issues including the climate emergency declaration, affordable housing, food recycling and phasing out plastics.

Tablelands, foothills and coastal communities in Eden-Monaro are still reeling from the combined impacts of the bushfires, sustained drought and the pandemic. Now a growing chorus of people are demanding immediate action on climate change and the creation of a fairer society.

“By voting 1 Green, voters can send a strong message to Canberra, urging our politicians to find long-term solutions for the critical problems facing communities in urban, regional and rural areas, solutions that The Greens have developed over many years and which culminate in the global Green New Deal recently launched in Australia by Adam Bandt," Cathy Griff said.

“Labor and Liberal candidates are finally acknowledging the role of humans in changing the climate. Sadly, their connections with and donations from the fossil fuel industry mean that neither party is willing to do what science has stressed is essential for a safe future. At this critical juncture, we need leaders to map a new approach, while building upon the successful social service programs of the pandemic response.

“The community requires a modern political party to confront the challenges we are experiencing at the individual, local, regional and federal levels. The Greens have plans to transition communities into new technology production and manufacturing. We must end extractive industries such as the wood-chipping of our native forests and instead, create secure employment opportunities in forest management and renewable energy for regional areas.”

Quotes from Leader of the Australian Greens Adam Bandt MP:

“I'm thrilled to announce Cathy Griff as our Greens candidate. Cathy has long been a passionate advocate for social justice, environment and the arts in the region, and has been influential since being elected to Bega Shire Council in 2016.

“Voters in Eden-Monaro are incredibly powerful in this by-election. By voting for The Greens’ Cathy Griff, people can send the government a message about urgent climate action and securing decent jobs.
“Eden-Monaro has suffered turmoil, with pandemic job losses hitting a community already devastated by the summer of bushfires. We need to make sure that our pandemic response doesn't just help the regions recover, but builds new industries that offer work to people across Eden-Monaro."

Quotes from Greens Senator for NSW, Dr Mehreen Faruqi:

"This by-election is an opportunity to challenge the Morrison government on its pathetic climate policies and its inadequate response to the bushfires. Let’s insist the government ‘retain the rate’ by continuing elevated support for vulnerable Australians.

"I look forward to working with Cathy and the strong Greens campaigners in Eden-Monaro on a positive platform of equity, and action on the climate crisis."