Greens celebrate Transgender Day of Visibility by announcing policies aimed at making trans and gender diverse peoples lives easier and safer


The Australian Greens are celebrating Transgender Day of Visibility by announcing a number of policies to make trans and gender diverse peoples lives safer and easier.

“The Greens are celebrating transgender and gender diverse people today and repeating our commitment to fight for full equality for trans and gender diverse people, as well as all LGBTIQ+ people,” said Senator Janet Rice, Australian Greens LGBTIQ+ spokesperson.

“Trans and gender diverse people, indeed all LGBTIQ+ people, should have the right to be free from discrimination, have autonomy over their bodies, and access to holistic and comprehensive health services and secure housing.

“Despite recent progress, there are still multiple barriers preventing transgender and gender diverse people from affirming their identities.”

“They experience higher rates of mental ill-health than the general population, and face discrimination at work, in the healthcare system and in schools.”

“The Greens understand the importance of funding for trans and gender diverse needs to be driven by principles of self determination, bodily autonomy and co-design.”

“We celebrate and acknowledge the contributions that the trans and gender diverse community have made to this country in the face of immense pressure.”

“We will continue to stand with and work with transgender people and their families to ensure Australia is a place where everyone is safe, respected, valued, treated as equals and free from discrimination.”

The Greens’ plan will:

  1. Provide funding for transgender and gender diverse peer support programs

  2. Establish a transgender and gender diverse advisory board to the department of health

  3. Establish  $3m grants funding program for trans-specific mental health programs

  4. Invest in trans-specific health initiatives

  5. Establish a complaints body for medical decisions affecting trans and intersex people

  6. Legislate for all-gender toilets in the workplace.