Greens’ Commission of Inquiry would test Christian Porter’s fitness as a minister


The Greens say the Prime Minister has run out of excuses and can no longer continue to run cover for Christian Porter, now that he has discontinued his defamation action against the ABC.
Greens leader in the Senate and spokesperson on women Larissa Waters said:
“Mr Porter abandoning his defamation action against Louise Milligan and the ABC leaves serious allegations against him unexamined.
“The Australian people cannot have confidence in this government while a man with a rape allegation hanging over his head remains a Cabinet Minister.
“In March, I presented a petition from the March 4 Justice rally to parliament.  More than 90,000 people were calling for, among other things, an independent investigation into Mr Porter’s fitness as a Minister. The PM ignored those calls, and has spent months pretending that this is not his problem.
“But he is fresh out of excuses now. Continued inaction would represent a damning indictment of the PM’s leadership and the protection racket for the old boys’ club.  It is yet more evidence that he remains wilfully ignorant of the concerns of Australian women.
“When the Senate next sits, I’ll introduce a bill for a Commission of Inquiry into whether Porter is a fit and proper person to hold any Ministerial position. The inquiry would allow a former judge, appointed by the Solicitor-General, to hold hearings, summon witnesses, examine evidence, and make recommendations, subject to necessary protections.  
“If the government has any integrity or commitment to parliamentary standards, they should back this Bill.”