Greens Commit to Making Telehealth Permanent 


The Australian Greens have today recommitted to their plan to make telehealth a permanent feature of our healthcare system.

If the Greens enter a balance of power arrangement after the election, they will push to invest $772 million over the forward estimates into expanding and strengthening telehealth services.

The wide availability of telehealth since early 2020 has revolutionised the way we do healthcare in Australia. Access to healthcare on the phone or via Zoom provides patients with much-needed flexibility and accessibility, which improves health outcomes for everyone.

The Greens have previously announced their plan to make mental health part of medicare. The plan would make mental health care free, and universally accessible with an unlimited number of appointments. The plan will be funded by taxing billionaires and big corporations making big profits.

Greens spokesperson on Health and Mental Health Senator Jordon Steele-John said: 

“Telehealth has been invaluable to our community. It has enabled people to access health services during lockdowns, it has closed the access gap for people living in regional and remote areas, and has allowed disabled people and older people to access support from the safety of their homes.

“So many people have told me that accessing telehealth has meant they haven't had to miss a whole day of work or study just to have a 15-minute appointment with their GP.

“We must ensure that we are building a health system that meets the needs of our community into the future.

“The Australian Greens are committed to making telehealth a permanent feature of our Medicare system. 

“The Australian Greens want everyone who needs health care to easily access it. Today’s announcement to make telehealth permanent builds on our commitment to clear public hospital surgery waiting lists, and get dental health care and mental health care included in Medicare.”


STEELE-JOHN: Sophie Greer | 0448 316 387.