Greens to fight Morrison’s dangerous nuclear subs play


The Greens have attacked Scott Morrison’s plan to buy nuclear submarines. 

Quotes attributable to Greens Leader, Adam Bandt MP:

"This is a dangerous move that makes our country less safe by putting floating Chernobyls in the heart of our major cities, increasing the risk of conflict in our region and putting Australia in the firing line.

"The Prime Minister is putting floating Chernobyls near people in Brisbane, Adelaide, Sydney and Perth and he needs to explain how many people will die if there’s a nuclear accident in one of our major cities.

"As a middle power with a lot to lose, Australia should be trying to de-escalate tensions in the region, but instead Scott Morrison is turning up the temperature and putting Australia right in the firing line.

"A terrible government behind in the polls is trying to distract from their failures by gearing up for a khaki election.

"This is one of the worst security decisions for decades and the Greens will fight it tooth and nail. We’re calling on Labor to join us in opposing this nuclear push, because if they do, it will be dead in the water."

Quotes attributable to Greens Peace and Disarmament spokesperson Jordon Steele-John:

“The Liberal Government has entered Australia into a disastrous military alliance with the United Kingdom and the United States. This is only going to escalate conflict and is an immense threat to peace in our region. 

“Right at the time where our community wants us to revisit our relationship with the United States, Morrison is signing us up to be even more dependent on them. 

“Our leaders should not be signing us up to submarine deals that put our community at further risk. This deal could see the establishment of a nuclear industry in WA, one that our community has rejected for many, many years. 

“It is totally unacceptable that we could have nuclear submarines off the coast of WA - this could put our oceans at risk, it could see nuclear components driven through the community, and the nuclear waste will end up somewhere.”