Greens: fired up and ready to go as election year kicks off


The Australian Greens have said they are “ready to go” whenever the Prime Minister decides to call the election.

With the Prime Minister visiting marginal seats in several states this week, the Greens say the party will put environment and climate squarely on the election agenda.

To help alleviate the skyrocketing cost-of-living, the Greens will also push a minority Labor Government to add dental into Medicare so people across the country can afford to get basic and essential healthcare.

Quotes attributable to Acting Leader of the Australian Greens, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young:
“Whenever the Prime Minister decides to call the election, the Greens are fired up and ready to go.

“Poll after poll shows we are heading towards a power-sharing parliament after the next election.

“The Greens have been clear that if this happens, we’ll push Labor to stop approving new coal and gas mines and end native forest logging.

“We also want to see dental put into Medicare. When the Greens were last in a power-sharing parliament we got dental into Medicare for kids – but we want to see free dental for everyone.

“We can’t keep voting for the same two parties and expecting a different result. With more Greens in parliament we can keep Dutton out and fight for people and the planet.”