Greens grand slam plan to honour Margaret Court


The Greens have slammed reports that one of Australia’s most high profile racists and bigots will receive an Australia Day honour, calling it a “slap in the face” to all the people harmed by her toxic advocacy.

Lines from Australian Greens acting leader Nick McKim:

“What a disgraceful insult to everyone Margaret Court has harmed by voicing support for apartheid and her decades-long campaign against LGBTIQ+ rights. If these reports are true, Scott Morrison is trying to lock in January 26 as a day of division not celebration.

“Margaret Court has spent more of her life campaigning against marriage equality than she ever spent on the tennis courts. Regardless of how talented she may have been at the sport, time has moved on.

“This is like awarding Pauline Hanson for her work in the fish and chip industry. Australia’s top award shouldn’t go to a racist, homophobe, or transphobe just because they were good at their day job.

“Scott Morrison must stop one of Australia’s worst bigots from getting our highest honor. Don’t be a coward and shift the blame to someone else. This should be bread and butter stuff for any leader.

“Scott Morrison and Margaret Court need to understand that the rally is long over - and unlike in tennis, love always wins.”

Lines from Australian Greens LGBTIQ+ spokesperson Janet Rice:

“It’s disgusting that we have to have a national debate every year about whether to glorify a homophobic, transphobic bigot. This only brings harm to LGBTIQ+ Australians by intensifying the sweeping inequality and discrimination they face.

“Margaret Court has said that being LGBTIQ+ is the work “of the devil”. She’s compared homosexuality to Hitler. 

“She is an enemy of the values Australians stand for and must not receive our highest honour.”