Greens launch Parliamentary Survey to get Dental into Medicare. 


A survey to hear about the community's dental experiences has been launched as part of the Greens-led, Senate Inquiry into the Provision of and Access to Dental Services in Australia. 

This survey is available to all people in Australia to complete and will seek the community's experiences accessing dental services, the barriers they face and their views on how dental care needs to change in Australia. 

The Senate inquiry has been established to investigate issues including the impact of the cost of the living crisis on access to dental services and will consider a pathway to universal access to dental services in Australia. 

The Australian Greens took a policy to the last Federal Election of having dental services available in Medicare. 

Lines attributed to Senator Jordon Steele-John, Chair of the Committee + Greens Spokesperson for Health. 

“We know so many people aren’t able to go to the dentist because it’s too expensive. More and more people are having to delay going to the dentist living with sore gums, ill-fitting dentures or headaches. 

“As chair of this inquiry, I want to make sure everyone has the opportunity to have their voice heard by the parliament. That’s why I am so proud to be launching a survey today - to make it as easy as possible, for as many people as possible to contribute to the Senate inquiry. 

“Nobody should have to suffer tooth pain or dental issues that could be avoided with treatment simply because they can’t afford it. The only way we’re going to get reform to Australia’s dental healthcare is if decision-makers in Canberra actually understand the scale of the problem.

“Whatever your experience is with the dental care system, even if it has been very limited due to these sorts of barriers - your contribution is extremely valuable - please fill in the survey and share your ideas on how we can fix dental care services in Australia.

“This is our opportunity to make dental care truly accessible for all. Together, our voices are strongest.” 
