Greens launch plan to tackle racism


The Australian Greens have today released a plan to tackle racism and far right extremism in Australia.
“Tomorrow is Harmony Day, a day dedicated to celebrating our cultural diversity, but this year celebrations are not enough,” said Greens Leader Dr Richard Di Natale.
“In the wake of the Christchurch massacre we must act to stem the rising tide of Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, racism and bigotry in Australia.
“We stand with the overwhelming majority of Australians, united against hatred and against the hate-speech that has dominated our politics and our public spaces for far too long.
“White supremacy and the emerging neo-Nazi movement are taking a foothold right around the world, emboldened and encouraged by opportunistic politicians. These voices have nurtured, encouraged and legitimised hate. Enough is enough.
“The Greens have a plan for a united, respectful and decent society that welcomes and celebrates difference, and recognises that we are one common humanity,” said Di Natale.
The Greens plan would:

  • Lead a national strategy to counter violent extremism, which includes:
  • A national anti-racism campaign
  • Funding for community-level programs
  • Coordinated and funded research on countering extremism
  • Hate crimes and racism data collection
  • A federal Multicultural Act
  • Create a Code of Conduct to prevent politicians from speaking hate
  • Introduce laws to outlaw hate speech
    • Add hate speech to the Criminal Code Act
    • Introducing a Charter of Rights
  • Stronger gun control and a ban on political donations from the Gun Lobby

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