Greens launch plan to transform Australian cities



Today the Greens are announcing a $40 billion investment in sustainable cities, establishing a Sustainable Cities Agency that would oversee new binding urban development standards for all Australian cities. 

State governments who sign on to the new standards could access the $40 billion funding over 10 years for new infrastructure projects like:

  • High frequency public transport
  • Walking or cycling infrastructure
  • Public recreation facilities
  • Upgrading existing public infrastructure to meet these standards

The specific standards would be developed by the new Sustainable Cities Agency, but could include principles like housing for all, sustainable homes and precincts, everything you need in your neighbourhood, and getting around the city without traffic.

Lines attributable to Elizabeth Watson-Brown MP, Greens spokesperson for Transport, Infrastructure and Sustainable Cities:

“As an architect and an urban designer, I can tell you that Australian cities have a design problem. 

“For decades I’ve been horrified by the billions of taxpayer dollars wasted on short-term, profit-driven urban planning in this country. 

“Labor and the Coalition have put the profits of big property developers ahead of everyday people, leaving us with endless urban sprawl, little access to public transport and community facilities, shocking traffic and poor housing standards. 

“This is a wealthy country, yet people are locked out of public transport, stuck with unsafe streets, freezing in their homes in winter and sweltering in summer. Why do ordinary people have to deal with substandard infrastructure while developers reap maximum profits? 

“Why is it that property developer tycoons like Harry Triguboff, who doubled his wealth to $23 billion over the last 3 years, have been left in charge of designing our cities? Is it because Labor and the Coalition have taken $34.5 million in donations from the property industry in the last 10 years? 

“The Greens plan would tie $40 billion in new infrastructure funding to binding Urban Development Standards, and with a new Sustainable Cities Agency working alongside state governments so we can finally start planning for the next generation, not just the next election.

“This is about shaping the future of Australian cities, into beautiful places where everyone can live a good life. It’s about fast and frequent public transport, greenspaces where you can share a picnic or read a book, public schools your kids can walk to safely. It’s about radically decarbonising our cities and building homes that are resilient to our changing climate.”