Greens-led push for federal ICAC gains independent support


The Liberals continue to show contempt for the will of the Australian public when it comes to establishing a national anti-corruption body, Greens spokesperson for democracy, Queensland Senator, Larissa Waters said.

“Trust in public institutions has been trashed thanks to major parties representing their corporate donor mates, not the rest of us. Australians are overwhelmingly in favour of a national anti-corruption body yet the Liberals are blatantly ignoring them,” Senator Waters said.

“The Greens have had a bill before parliament for the establishment of a national integrity commission since 2010 which the major parties have continually opposed.

“Today we’ve got a bipartisan call and detailed plan from former judges and corruption fighters for a national integrity body which echos the model pushed for by the Greens since 2010 and still the response from the Attorney-General is described as "lukewarm". 

“The Libs should be embarrassed by their continued breach of public trust. It’s clear the only way to fix this rigged system is to turf the LNP out.

“We need a government who will immediately establish a national anti-corruption commission with broad investigative powers to oversee the entire federal public service and Members of Parliament.

“We need to end corporate donations from the big end of town and ending the revolving door between lobbyists and politicians, reforms the Greens have also championed since 2010, and then we’ll finally be on our way to taking our democracy back.”

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