Greens in Macnamara balance of power Childcare push


Media Release

Greens candidate for MacNamara, Steph Hodgins-May, today announced that if she is elected, she will push in balance of power for $5 million in grants for renovation or relocation of three community-run childcare centres as part of the Greens’ plan for fully-funded, free childcare.

MacNamara is one of the party’s most winnable lower house seats in the country. The decision to close the three centres – Tennyson Street in Elwood, Eildon Road in St Kilda and The Avenue in Balaclava – prompted community outcry, including a rally outside the council meeting in Balaclava on Wednesday night. Port Phillip Council has indicated they urgently need
external funding to cover renovation works and will be unable to stop the sale unless funding is

A minority power-sharing Parliament is looming as a likely outcome of the next election. In balance of power after the next election, Greens Leader, Adam Bandt, has vowed the Greens will kick the Liberals out and push the next government to tax the billionaires and big corporations and reinvest in essential services, including free childcare and truly free public education.

With $1m in renovations The Avenue centre in Balaclava could be brought entirely up to standard ensuring it exists as community childcare for years to come, according to quotes obtained by Council and available in their consultation documents library. The Tennyson Street centre can be refurbished for $1.8m and the Eildon Road centre for $1.2m.

The Greens argue that rather than selling these properties off and further privatising childcare in Port Phillip, the Federal Government should ensure they stay in public hands and continue providing community childcare for the more than 120 children who will otherwise be forced into the existing private centres.

Quotes attributable to Greens Leader Adam Bandt:

“Over many years, governments have attacked and sold off public services we all rely on, including public schools and community childcare.

“Childcare run by the community and for a community is a public good that must be protected.

“I’m proud to announce this $5 million election commitment to supporting community childcare in Port Phillip, and in balance of power after the next election, we’ll kick the Liberals out and push the next government to support kids, families and working parents by making childcare truly free.”

Quotes attributable to Greens candidate for Macnamara Steph Hodgins-May:

“Families in Port Phillip need more childcare places at community-run, publicly owned centres, not less. The decision to sell off these buildings will mean the loss of 123 childcare places across the area (replaced with spots at a megacentre), but worse than that, it will mean the loss of three community institutions: places where the parents and staff value the smaller scale and strong ties of community-run childcare”

“The Greens support free, publicly owned childcare. We are taking to the Federal Election a commitment to save these three early childhood centres to ensure they have a home and can remain as community run not-for-profit facilities, through the provision of up to $5 million in grants for renovation or relocation of centres at risk of closure.

“We are calling on Labor and Liberal to make that same commitment: save our community-run childcare in Port Phillip by committing to funding. Without a funding commitment, they are just passing the buck.”

“Macnamara is the closest seat in the country for the Greens after Melbourne - if we win here, we could hold balance of power and protect community childcare.”

Learn More:

Greens plan: Early Childhood Education & Care