Greens move for abortion access Senate inquiry


In the wake of Roe v Wade, the Australian Greens will today establish a Senate inquiry into abortion access in Australia. 

This inquiry will identify what can be done federally to alleviate the physical and financial barriers to accessing contraceptives, sexual and reproductive healthcare and termination services, as well as options to improve the quality and availability services, particularly in regional and remote Australia.

Lines attributable to Greens leader in the senate and spokesperson on women Senator Larissa Waters

“Abortion remains expensive and inaccessible for many, especially those who already face massive healthcare barriers, including First Nations people and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

“In the wake of Roe v Wade, the federal government should look at what it can do to eliminate Australia’s barriers to accessible and affordable abortion.

“Access to safe, legal abortion remains a postcode lottery in Australia, with different rules, costs and availability depending on where you live. Some people are having to travel for hours at significant expense to access this basic healthcare service.

“In remote and regional areas, like Townsville and Mackay, many women are forced to travel long distances, at significant expense, to access to sexual and reproductive health services including long-acting contraception, medical and surgical abortions and counselling.

“The Greens support calls for national consistency on abortion laws, provided they are best practice, which would be ascertained through the inquiry.

“The Greens will resist any attempt in Australia to wind back reproductive rights. And we’ll continue to work to ensure people have access to legal, free and safe pregnancy termination services and a full range of contraception options, including unbiased counselling, no matter where they live.

“The impacts of poor sexual health literacy, lack of access to contraceptives and quality reproductive healthcare are clear. This inquiry will provide an invaluable insight into the barriers people are facing and how the federal government can intervene to fix them.”

Lines attributable to Greens Senator Jordon Steele-John, spokesperson for Health

“Improper access to sexual and reproductive health services, including abortion, is a serious healthcare issue and must be addressed as such.

“Too often women, trans, and non-binary folks, are left behind by our state and federal governments when it comes to healthcare. 

“The Australian Greens will continue to demand better support and care for those who need any reproductive services whenever, wherever, and however they want to access it.

“This inquiry would champion every single person’s human right to accessing the services and care that they need in a timely, accurate, and culturally appropriate manner.”