Greens to move to block environment law changes that weaken protections


The Greens will tomorrow move to block the Morrison Government from rushing changes to environment laws through the Senate, with the so-called fast-track laws being introduced into the Parliament in the morning.

Greens Spokesperson for the Environment Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said:

“Tomorrow the Morrison Government is bringing in changes that will weaken our environment laws.

“This will make it easier for big miners and developers to get approval and put our environment and wildlife at risk.

“The Government is trying to rush through changes that weaken environmental protections before the final report of the 10-year independent review into the EPBC Act is completed.

“Instead of using the review as a once in 10-year chance to fix our broken laws, the Government is using Covid19 as an excuse to smooth the path for their political donor mates in mining and development to further trash our environment.

“The Greens will move to block consideration of this legislation until the final, independent report has been completed and tabled in the Senate. I call on Labor and the Crossbench to support this move. 

“This process should not be rushed when the future of our wildlife and environment is at stake and a year-long review is still on foot.”