Greens move for independent inquiry into Christian Porter


The Greens today will move for an independent inquiry into Christian Porter’s fitness to be a Minister after the PM this week promoted the former Attorney-General to Leader of the House, despite the unresolved allegations of sexual assault against him.

Greens deputy leader and spokesperson on women Senator Larissa Waters said:

“For two months now I have been fighting to progress my bill that would set up an independent inquiry into Christian Porter’s fitness to be a Minister and uphold the parliamentary standards that the PM is meant to apply.

“At every turn I have been blocked by the government and their One Nation lackies. Today I will again seek to progress the bill by referring it to Senate committee for inquiry, as is the norm for private members bills.

“It’s been five months since the allegations against Mr Porter came to light. Five months of dodging scrutiny. Five months of excuses. Five months of ignoring Australian women, who continue to demand action.

“The PM’s willingness to keep an alleged rapist in his Cabinet - without any attempt to determine the truth of the allegations - reeks of male privilege, and fundamentally misjudges the anger and the injustice that women feel about the continued rates of sexual assault, harassment, discrimination, and just plain sexism. It says to women everywhere that their experiences are not valid, are not important, and are not to be believed.

“The Greens’ bill does one thing: establish an independent, arms-length process to determine whether Christian Porter is a fit and proper person to hold a Ministerial position. With no other legal avenues left it is the only way these allegations can be tested. You would think that the government would welcome the opportunity to clear Mr Porter’s name.

“There is no justice for women survivors anywhere while untested rape allegations are allowed to persist against a Commonwealth Minister of the Crown.”