Greens to move to outlaw throwing money at gas fired power


The Greens will move to outlaw Scott Morrison’s plan to fund a new gas-fired power plant in the Upper Hunter, moving when parliament resumes to block the use of taxpayer funds on new fossil fuels. 

Leader of the Australian Greens Adam Bandt MP said the Prime Minister now had the weekend to decide whether he wanted to throw up to $600 million at a power plant that serves no purpose other than to accelerate global heating.

“This gas-fired power station will become a white elephant that threatens to trample our children’s future. It is not worth throwing away our children’s future for the sake of a by-election. This gas-fuelled madness must be stopped,” Greens Leader Adam Bandt MP said.

“When Parliament resumes, the Greens will move to prevent this egregious waste of taxpayer money. We call upon the crossbench and Labor to finally call out this gas-fired recovery for what it is, a massive gift to fossil fuel donors, and stop it in its tracks.

“The market doesn't want this gas-fired plant. It's too dirty, too expensive and it will speed up global heating. “The Liberals know that it serves no purpose, but they're desperate to give public money to gas industry donors, and give false hope of a fossil-fuelled future to voters in the Hunter. 

“Since Scott Morrison first caved in to the Nationals and made the threat to force a gas-fired power station on the Hunter, the world has changed. With Joe Biden elected, the world is shifting rapidly towards ever more ambitious plans for rapid climate action.

“Instead of funding new coal and gas, Scott Morrison needs to triple Australia’s ambition, and legislate cuts of 75% from 2005 levels."