Greens to move in Senate against India travel ban


The Leader of the Australian Greens, Adam Bandt, has announced the Greens will move in the Senate next week for the Government to revoke its direction under the Biosecurity Act to ban and put in place criminal penalties on Australians and residents returning home from India.

“The ban is racist, it’s possibly illegal, it’s not based on health advice and it must be rescinded immediately.  The Greens will move in the Senate next week to overturn the ban and we believe it will have widespread support amongst Senators.”

"The pandemic needs a health-led response, not a force-led response, where the government criminalises people desperate to return home.  There weren’t these threats of jail time when dealing with predominantly white countries."

“The Liberals are now punishing people for the government’s own failings, abandoning them in a COVID-ravaged country. Morrison must take immediate steps to make sure that people can return home through repatriation flights and safe quarantine arrangements.”

“The Government must also urgently provide more assistance to India at this time of great need.”