Greens ready to work with government to expedite super on PPL


With the release of the Labor’s draft legislation today the Greens reconfirm their intentions to use their Senate balance of power to facilitate the government’s superannuation tax reforms, if they will commit to paying superannuation on PPL.

Lines attributable to Greens leader in the Senate and spokesperson on Women, Larissa Waters

“The Government’s superannuation tax proposal is such a timid proposed change to the tax concessions the obscenely wealthy receive. If Labor is not going to improve it, the least they can do is put the revenue to good use for the legions of women retiring into poverty.

“Labor has said repeatedly that they want super paid on paid parental leave ‘when budget circumstances permit’. The expected revenue from its proposed changes to super is more than enough to cover the cost.

“The Greens have said we will facilitate the government’s superannuation tax reforms if they will commit to paying superannuation on PPL. We likewise stand ready to expedite super on PPL through any other bill that the government produces.

“Labor is making women wait for minor measures like paying super on PPL that would immediately improve economic equality, but can somehow find $313 billion for the Stage 3 tax cuts.

“The government has now received the final Women’s Economic Equality Taskforce (WEET) report, but we’re still waiting to see a response.

“The Greens will be pushing to ensure Labor actually listens to the WEET’s advice - on PPL and all other areas of women’s economic security - rather than cherry picking recommendations as they did with the interim report.

“We will use our balance of power in the Senate to get outcomes for families and for the women in Australia retiring with 23 per cent less superannuation than men.”