Greens reject government JobKeeper/IR blackmail


Following reports that the government cynically intends to link extended JobKeeper support in some businesses to a removal of the industrial rights of workers in other businesses no longer receiving JobKeeper, the Greens have vowed to oppose the government's attempt at legislative blackmail, saying they will move to strip the proposed removal from any bill that comes before Parliament.

“The conservatives are cynically using this pandemic to strip rights from workers,” said Greens Leader, Adam Bandt.

“Supporting workers in one business shouldn’t be dependent on taking away workers’ rights in another business.”

“The Greens reject this cynical move from the government and will seek to block the Liberals’ changes in the Senate.

“It is disappointing Labor has proposed cuts to JobKeeper for people earning less than $1,500 a week, something the government has agreed to do. I hope Labor stops playing austerity footsies with the Liberals and instead agrees to work with the Greens to block the conservatives’ IR changes in the Senate.”