Greens reject Morrison discrimination bill


The Greens have vowed to block Scott Morrison’s religious discrimination bill, saying it was a Trojan horse for hate that went well beyond a shield to protect people with religious beliefs, calling on Labor and Senators to join them in blocking it.

Lines from Leader of the Australian Greens Adam Bandt MP:

“Scott Morrison’s bill means more discrimination, not less.

“Scott Morrison has a bill for more discrimination but no bill to stop corruption.

“The bill overrides State and Territory protections and makes bigoted hate speech legal.

“The bill goes beyond being a shield. It has many swords and they will do harm.

“The Greens call on Labor to block this harmful bill.

“The Greens support protections against religious discrimination, which is why Australia needs a charter of rights, but this bill isn’t that.”

Lines from Australian Greens LGBTIQA+ spokesperson Senator Janet Rice:

“Scott Morrison’s discrimination bill is a Trojan horse for hate.

“Any bill that enables discrimination against LGBTIQA+ people, women, people with disabilities, minority faiths, or First Nations people is unacceptable and must be voted down. 

“Under the guise of faith, bigots would be free to discriminate against people at school and universities, in the workplace, hospitals, restaurants - anywhere in public life. 

“Morrison’s whole schtick is to divide Australians and create problems where none existed.

“Morrison and the Liberals are using culture wars as a distraction so people won’t notice this government has done absolutely nothing to help struggling Australians. 

“While the Liberals are fighting fake cancel culture, the Greens are fighting for what Australians want - action on climate change, taxing the billionaires, raising income support, getting dental into medicare and laws that protect all of us equally.”