Greens renew call for publicly funded abortion after private clinic closures


The Greens have renewed their call for publicly funded abortions after private service Marie Stopes announced yesterday it was shutting down four regional clinics in Queensland and New South Wales.

Lines attributable to Greens deputy leader and spokesperson on women Senator Larissa Waters:

“The news that Marie Stopes is shutting down four regional clinics in Queensland and New South Wales is a massive blow for women’s reproductive health. 

“Access to sexual and reproductive health services such as long-acting contraception, medical and surgical abortions and counselling is already difficult in remote and regional areas, with many women forced to travel long distances, at significant expense, to get care.”

“Women have the right to make informed, supported choices about all aspects of their lives, including their reproductive health. Clinics like Marie Stopes play a critical role in providing women with sexual and reproductive health services including permanent and long-acting reversible contraception and abortion care.

“The loss of these services in regional areas will especially hurt women who already face massive healthcare barriers, including First Nations women and women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

“Australian women shouldn’t need to rely on private, not-for-profit services. At the last federal election the Greens announced a plan to provide women access to publicly funded abortions in public hospital within a reasonable distance of their home.

“We’ll continue to work to ensure women have access to legal, free and safe pregnancy termination services and a full range of contraception options, including unbiased counselling, no matter where they live.”

Lines attributable to Amy MacMahon, MP for South Brisbane, Greens state spokesperson on women: 

“It’s devastating that both the state and federal governments have allowed these crucial services to close – leaving just 5 abortion clinics remaining in all of Queensland.”

“The state Labor government trumpets its progressive credentials on abortion reform, but hasn’t followed through by properly funding abortion services. Just this week, we sadly saw no new money for abortion services and support in the Queensland Budget.”

“Legalising aborting means little to regional and rural Queenslanders if there’s no way for them to access safe and affordable pregnancy termination.”

“I will keep fighting to ensure state government follows through on its commitment to embed essential reproductive healthcare in Hospital and Health Services, to ensure genuinely accessible and free abortion services in Queensland.”