Greens respond to 2017 MYEFO


The Turnbull Government's end-of-year mini budget is mean-spirited, wringing savings out of young people, struggling families and newly arrived migrants in order to keep funding tax cuts to their wealthy mates from the big end of town.

“The Turnbull Government has got just that little bit meaner with today’s budget, which unfairly targets young people, struggling families and newly arrived migrants with $6 billion in cuts,” said leader of the Australian Greens Dr Richard Di Natale.

"The Government would like you to believe that everything is rosy, but here's what they're not telling you: wages remain stagnant, there's a household debt-bomb ticking away and inequality is growing because of the Coalition's blind faith in trickle-down economics.”

"The government has a choice: boost wages for people or give tax cuts to the few and hope for the best."

"This budget once again screws over young people. While Turnbull strips $2.1 billion out of our universities and students, big multinationals and corporate fat cats continue to avoid paying their fair share of tax.  

"Most of today’s politicians enjoyed a free university education, affordable housing and secure jobs with steady wage growth waiting for them when they graduated. None of this will be available to the current generation of young Australians unless we dramatically change course.

“The Senate will again need to stand firm against a government that wants to cut services to young people, struggling families and migrants so that it can give massive tax cuts to the big end of town.”

”The Government knows that it cannot get its university cuts through the Senate or the ballot box, so now it’s trying to sneak them through the back door.”