Greens response to announcement of review of management of Murray-Darling Basin


Greens Senator for South Australia and Spokesperson for Water and the Environment Senator Sarah Hanson-Young responded to Minister Littleproud’s announcement today relating to the Murray-Darling Basin:

“Any review of the Murray-Darling Basin must be based on science, not politics.

“The review into the management of the Murray-Darling Basin must investigate the corporate greed and corruption that has eroded the effectiveness and delivery of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.

“Big corporate irrigators have drained the Murray-Darling at the expense of everyone else - small farmers, the community and the environment. 

“Mr Keelty must consider the allegations of mismanagement and maladministration found by the SA Royal Commission. We need a plan for the Murray-Darling that is focussed on delivering sustainable water use throughout the Basin, one that is fair, based on science and takes into account climate change. 

“There’s two days left of the parliamentary year; the Government must outline in parliament before we rise, the powers that Mr Keelty will have to conduct this inquiry and the terms by which it will be conducted.”