Greens say public ownership of Rex is the only option in Australians' best interests


The Greens called on the government to consider public ownership of Rex following its entering administration in July last year, and welcome the news that the government may now purchase the airline.

Lines attributable to Elizabeth Watson-Brown MP, Greens spokesperson for Transport, Infrastructure and Sustainable Cities:

“The Greens welcome the news that the government is considering purchasing Rex. Not only would this save these vital regional services, a publicly owned airline will bring more competition to the current Qantas-Virgin duopoly dominating our aviation market.

“The Greens called for the government to consider purchasing Rex back in July last year, when it was clear that Rex was collapsing.

“The collapse of Rex would be a devastating blow to regional communities around Australia who are so reliant on their services. 

“But it’s not enough for the government to promise to be a backstop, they need to get on the front foot.

“The government has already given Rex $130 million in support since July last year and are still talking about subsidising private buyers. 

“The government has a bad record of shelling out millions in taxpayer dollars to prop up private airlines and getting nothing back. Public ownership is the only way to get an airline run in the interests of all Australians.”