

Greens say Turnbull Government must hold the line on strong car pollution standards

The Australian Greens have called on the Government to not cave in to a car industry scare campaign on vehicle efficiency standards.

“Stronger vehicle efficiency standards would be a win for consumers and a win for the environment. The only losers will be the big oil companies,” said Greens transport spokesperson, Senator Janet Rice.

“If Australia were to implement what’s in the Government’s discussion paper, we could save 65 megatonnes of carbon emissions by 2030, which is as good for the climate as if we took every car off the road for a whole year.

“And according to Government modelling, consumers could make up in fuel savings what they pay in extra costs within only four years, with annual fuel savings of $519 per year for the average driver.


“Australia is lagging behind places like the USA, China and the European Union on these standards. We risk becoming a major dumping ground for poorly performing variants of car models due to our lack of regulation.

“Malcolm Turnbull and Josh Frydenberg shouldn’t cave to the big auto makers and the fossil fuel lobby,” said Senator Rice.

Greens climate change and energy spokesperson Adam Bandt MP agreed, saying it’s time for Josh Frydenberg to stand up for himself.

“If Josh Frydenberg is now taking his cues from Elvis, it's time for a little less conversation and a little more action," said Mr Bandt.

“Every time someone proposes a credible pollution reduction policy, Josh Frydenberg rules it out 24 hours later.

“Last week we found out pollution is rising. Our emissions are ballooning and if the government keeps killing off policies that will reduce emissions, they won’t get close to meeting even their own paltry emissions targets.

“Pollution from the transport sector makes up a significant part of Australia’s total emissions profile. To meet our obligations under the Paris agreement, stronger vehicle emissions standards are needed.”

“If Australia were to implement what’s in the Government’s discussion paper, we could save 65 megatonnes of carbon emissions by 2030, which is as good for the climate as if we took every car off the road for a whole year.


“And according to Government modelling, consumers could make up in fuel savings what they pay in extra costs within only four years, with annual fuel savings of $519 per year for the average driver.


“Australia is lagging behind places like the USA, China and the European Union on these standards. We risk becoming a major dumping ground for poorly performing variants of car models due to our lack of regulation.


“Malcolm Turnbull and Josh Frydenberg shouldn’t cave to the big auto makers and the fossil fuel lobby,” said Senator Rice.


Greens climate change and energy spokesperson Adam Bandt MP agreed, saying it’s time for Josh Frydenberg to stand up for himself.


“If Josh Frydenberg is now taking his cues from Elvis, it's time for a little less conversation and a little more action," said Mr Bandt.


“Every time someone proposes a credible pollution reduction policy, Josh Frydenberg rules it out 24 hours later.


“Last week we found out pollution is rising. Our emissions are ballooning and if the government keeps killing off policies that will reduce emissions, they won’t get close to meeting even their own paltry emissions targets.


“Pollution from the transport sector makes up a significant part of Australia’s total emissions profile. To meet our obligations under the Paris agreement, stronger vehicle emissions standards are needed.”


Media Contacts:

Senator Rice – Georgia Webster, 0400 352 935

Adam Bandt MP – Gideon Reisner, 0429 109 054