Greens seek PM's support for COVID leave bill


Greens Leader, Adam Bandt, has written to the Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, seeking time when Parliament resumes in August to pass a Greens’ bill to give all workers in Australia 14 days paid COVID-19 sick leave.

“Insecure work is fuelling the COVID health crisis, because millions of workers have no paid sick leave and risk losing income if they stay at home while sick or waiting for test results,” said Mr Bandt.

“The Greens have a bill before Parliament to give all workers 14 days paid COVID-19 sick leave.

“I have asked the Prime Minister to find time for the Parliament to pass this bill when we sit again in August.

“This is an important, practical measure that will help the fight against the virus in Victoria as well as help prevent further outbreaks in other states.

“In the middle of a pandemic, no-one should be forced to come to work sick because they are worried about losing their income.

“The Federal Government should help employers meet the cost of this essential measure.”

The letter was sent on Friday 24 July and a copy is can be found below: Letter to Scott Morrison

Letter to Prime Minister - Paid Pandemic Leavepdf172.11 KB