Greens Senator Janet Rice joins High Court challenge to postal plebiscite


Australian Greens Senator and LGBTIQ spokesperson, Janet Rice, has joined Australian Marriage Equality in a challenge to the validity of the postal plebiscite in the High Court.

"I’m pleased that the movement for equality has put forward strong legal challenges, and I’m honoured to be a part of these. The postal plebiscite would subvert the will of the Parliament after the Senate again rejected legislation for a plebiscite. LGBTIQ Australians and their families will be hurt by this expensive, divisive, non-compulsory, non-binding postal plebiscite,’ said Senator Rice.

‘LGBTIQ people should not have their relationships, their identities and their families come under vicious scrutiny for a survey that is non-binding, non-compulsory and will disenfranchise young people,’ said Senator Rice. ‘We look forward to the outcome of this legal challenge and urge Mr Turnbull to find some ticker and allow a free vote in this parliament.’

Senator Rice noted, however, that people should ensure their enrolment is up to date in any case.