Greens Senator for South Australia Sarah Hanson-Young’s Statement on Nicolle Flint MP quitting federal politics:


“It speaks volumes that a Government MP has decided to leave parliament because of the toxic culture and sexism in politics. Is it any surprise that after the past couple weeks women in the Morrison Government are quitting?

“We need more women, from all sides and all parties in politics if we are to change the sexism in parliament.

“It saddens me that another woman is now bowing out because of the boys club in Canberra.

“I wish Nicolle Flint all the best.

“As a proud member of the Boothby and South Australian community I want to see more women elected from across our state.

“Boothby is a wonderful electorate. My daughter and I love being part of this strong local community and we wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. I’ll be fighting hard to make sure the Greens run a strong campaign and we get a progressive voice elected at the next election.

“I am proud that the Greens federal election campaign here in SA will be lead by my good friend and warrior for women Barbara Pocock. Electing another SA woman to the Senate is more important than ever.”