Greens target inner city seats with "Vote Liberal, Get Barnaby" message


The Greens are ramping up their campaigns against Liberal MPs in inner-city seats including Kooyong, Higgins, Ryan and Brisbane, telling voters “If you vote Liberal, you get Barnaby”.

The move follows Liberal MPs voting to change the law yesterday to include coal and gas in the definition of renewable energy, so that coal and gas corporations can now be funded through the Australian Renewable Energy Agency.

As anger grows at Australia’s dreadful climate policies, Greens Leader Adam Bandt says the campaign will give voters in Liberal seats a stark message:


A billboard which reads If You Vote Liberal, You Get Barnaby and an image of Barnaby Joyce holding a lump of coal

Quotes attributable to Greens Leader Adam Bandt MP:

“Inner-city Liberals voted to change the law to define coal and gas as renewable energy,” said Mr Bandt.

“Liberals are spruiking their 2050 plan but it is an utter fraud, written by Barnaby Joyce and  treating coal and gas as renewable energy.”

“Whatever Liberals say in the inner-city, in Canberra they vote with Barnaby.

“If you vote Liberal, you get Barnaby.

“It became clear this week that Barnaby’s price for 2050 was no action before 2030, which is the target that really matters, and an expansion of coal and gas.

“Many Liberal seats are on a knife-edge and by voting Greens, voters in inner-city seats can send a powerful message to the Liberals that they don’t want Barnaby writing the country’s climate policy.

“The seat of Ryan covers the Greens-held state seat of Maiwar, which saw a 14% swing to the Greens at the last Queensland election, and Ryan voters can send a powerful message to the Liberals on climate.

“The Greens also hold the state seat of Prahran which overlaps with the federal seat of Higgins, where Katie Allen just voted with Barnaby Joyce to say coal and gas are renewable energy.

“We’re confident that the Greens plan for a 75% by 2030 target, which would see a rapid transition out of coal and gas, a massive boost in renewables, storage, green hydrogen and EVs has strong support in seats like Ryan, Higgins, Brisbane and Kooyong.”