Greens urge Gov to sign Global Methane Pledge


The Australian Greens have urged the Morrison-Joyce Government to join the Global Methane Pledge, saying the government’s finger pointing about cattle was hiding the real problem: coal and gas. 

The Pledge urges nations to reduce methane emissions by 30% by at least 30 percent from 2020 levels by 2030, similar to the CFC pledge that saved the Ozone Layer. 

Methane is a major cause of global warming. It is considered to be 86 times worse for the climate than CO2, and fugitive emissions that escape from coal and gas projects are Australia’s fastest growing source of emissions. 

The Liberals and Nationals have accepted at least $6.2 million in donations from the fossil fuel sector since 2012. Labor has accepted $4.5 million in the same period.

The Greens warn that if the Liberals and Nationals capitulate to their coal and gas donors, it will put a handbrake on global ambition. 

Lines from Adam Bandt MP, Leader of the Australian Greens:

“This pledge isn’t about cow farts or having a steak sandwich. This is about saying no more coal and gas.”

“Scott Morrison could sign this pledge without touching one single cow.”

“Scott Morrison’s refusal isn’t about protecting farmers, it’s about protecting fracking.

“Gas is as dirty as coal and methane is one of the most powerful types of climate pollution, which is why the United Kingdom and the US are asking countries around the world to sign onto this pledge, but Liberal and Labor are giving them the middle finger. 

“On the eve of the ‘last chance’ climate summit, Liberal and Labor are lighting the fuse on a giant climate bomb by fracking the Beetaloo basin in the Northern Territory.

“Australia is one of the top ten per capita methane polluters in the world. When other countries are thinking about signing onto this methane pledge, they’re looking at Australia’s reluctance, and it’ll give them an excuse to say no. We need to show climate leadership and sign on.

“Agricultural emissions are flatlining, but fugitive methane emissions from coal and gas mining are the fastest rising source of emissions. 

“Farmers and Traditional Owners have stood firm against fracking. But Liberal and Labor are addicted to the dirty donations they get from coal and gas corporations and are pushing ahead with fracking across Australia, which will accelerate global heating, making droughts twice as common, and bushfires more intense.

“The only way to get climate action is to kick the Liberals out and put the Greens in the balance of power, where we’ll push the next government to start phasing out coal and gas.”