Greens urge Labor to announce 2030 targets to pressure Morrison before Glasgow


Labor’s belated recognition that Scott Morrison’s 2030 climate targets aren’t good enough is a move in the right direction, said Greens Leader, Adam Bandt, but he called on Labor to join the Greens in setting science-based 2030 targets now, to help put pressure on Scott Morrison before the Glasgow climate summit at the end of the year.

Labor’s move comes as Scott Morrison has already announced that he is considering ‘updating’ the government's 2030 climate targets before Glasgow, suggesting government targets may be lifted but by an insufficient amount.

Earlier this year, the independent Climate Targets Panel, led by former Liberal leader John Hewson, said that to be consistent with limiting global heating to 1.5 degrees, Australia’s targets would need to be 74% reduction on 2005 levels by 2030, and net zero by 2035. For a 2 degree goal, the targets would need to be at least 50% below 2005 levels by 2030 and net zero by 2045. In either scenario, net-zero by 2050 alone was found to be insufficient.

Quotes attributable to Greens leader Adam Bandt MP:

“It’s easy to say Scott Morrison’s 2030 targets are too weak, but we need to put pressure on him now to triple Australia’s ambition before Glasgow.

“2030 is the main game and refusing to have a clear 2030 target still lets Scott Morrison off the hook.’

“Getting Scott Morrison to merely nudge his 2030 targets up a bit isn’t enough, especially given he’s said he might do that himself anyway.

“It’s right to say Scott Morrison’s targets are too low, but teasers of policy positions are not enough when the world is experiencing unprecedented environmental crises.

“The science is clear. We need targets that match the science, not the demands of coal and gas corporate donors.”

The Greens’ Climate Policy:

  • Net zero emissions by 2035 and 75% cuts by 2030, consistent with the science and the independent Climate Targets Panel
  • Lead the world on climate action by phasing out coal stations and exports by 2030 and legislating against new coal mines and gas fields.
  • Achieve 100% renewable energy by 2030 and work towards 700% renewables, funding a massive investment in infrastructure that will transform our energy system over the next decade and grow a new export industry.
  • Phase in 100% electric light vehicle sales by 2030, with subsidies to make them affordable for all
  • Reduce bills by $200 a year by creating a publicly owned energy provider and subsidising investment in solar power and batteries.
  • Build a multi-billion dollar clean energy export industry to replace coal exports.
  • Invest in local coal and gas communities so they can attract the jobs and new industries they want, retain, upskill and ensure these local communities can continue to thrive.