Greens use Barnaby to step up campaigns against inner city Liberals


As Barnaby Joyce and Matt Canavan call for more coal before the ink on the Glasgow Climate Pact is even dry, the Greens have begun hitting the streets in target inner-city Liberal seats like Ryan, Brisbane, Kooyong and Higgins to unseat incumbents by reminding them that if you vote Liberal, you get Barnaby.

Appearing on Afternoon Briefing yesterday, Joyce claimed that despite being Deputy Prime Minister, he had apparently not agreed to the Cop26 Pact which Australia is signatory, and derided Alok Sharma and other Cop26 attendees as just wanting “to get on television”. Matt Canavan said that Glasgow is a “green light for coal” despite Australia being urged by the Pact to return to Cop27 with stronger emissions targets.

Quotes attributable to Greens Leader Adam Bandt MP:

“A vote for the Liberals is a vote for Barnaby Joyce setting climate policy. 

“A vote for even ‘moderate’ Liberals still gives Barnaby the power to push us beyond the point of climate no-return.

“There’s no way around the equation: vote Liberal, get Barnaby. 

“The Greens are hitting the streets and the billboards are going up, reminding voters that if you vote Liberal, you get Barnaby.

“The price of the Nationals’ climate deal is becoming clearer by the day: more coal and no lifting of Australia’s woeful 2030 targets.

“Liberal moderates will never have the kingmaker power of the Nationals. 

“Australia’s climate policy under the Liberals will be set by Barnaby “won’t be bullied by science” Joyce and Matt “a cold snap means climate change isn’t real” Canavan.

"This time, voters in inner-city seats can send the Liberals a powerful message about climate by voting Greens."