Greens welcome City of Hobart opening discussion about changing the date for Australia Day


The Australian Greens have welcomed the City of Hobart opening up a discussion about changing the date for Australia Day.

“Well done to the City of Hobart for being brave enough to kick start a conversation about Australia Day in Tasmania. A lot of Tasmanian’s clearly want Australia Day to accessible to everyone, it shouldn’t be on a day that some members of the community view as a day of grieving”, Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert said today.  

“The City of Fremantle were brave enough to kick start this conversation last year and wore a lot of the backlash from people that are afraid of change. Now the dust has settled and the date change was a huge success, other councils can see the benefits of moving towards a day that is more inclusive.

“The world will not stop turning if we change the date that makes everyone feel welcome.  The date for Australia Day, does not have to be set in stone”.