Greens welcome Federal Court decision on Tamil Family


The Greens have welcomed the decision of the Federal Court that Biloela's Tamil family was denied procedural fairness, calling for them to be released and free to return home.

Lines from Greens Immigration Spokesperson Senator Nick McKim:

“We welcome the decision today of the full Federal Court that one of the members of the Tamil family from Biloela was denied procedural fairness by the government.”
“This decision should mean that the whole family is immediately freed from immigration detention on Christmas Island and allowed to return to Biloela. This can happen with the stroke of a Ministerial pen.”
“The family, including young children, has been imprisoned for nearly three years at the whim of the Minister. It’s time for them to be allowed to return home.”
“The vindictive decision to imprison small children and their family was never justifiable, and the judgement today lends yet more weight to calls for their freedom.”
“One day there will be a Royal Commission into immigration detention, and the truth will emerge of a system designed to punish and dehumanise.”