Greens welcome introduction of News Media Bargaining Code


Greens Spokesperson for Media and Communications Senator Sarah Hanson-Young has welcomed the Government’s indication that they will introduce legislation to enact the News Media Bargaining Code.

“Big tech companies have become far too big and far too powerful. The Greens welcome the introduction of legislation to establish the News Media Bargaining Code. The Code will ensure that Google and Facebook are required to pay news organisations for the content that they use. Not only is this important to protect public interest journalism in Australia, it is also a positive step forward in regulating the power of big tech companies," Senator Hanson-Young said. 

“During the consultation on the draft code, I called for the Government to include public broadcasters ABC and SBS in the code as well as commit to saving AAP. The inclusion of ABC and SBS is an important part of tackling the power and greed of the tech giants and protecting public interest journalism. I am delighted to see ABC and SBS have been included in the code and will be remunerated by Facebook and Google for the use of their content.

“If the aim of this code is to ensure the viability of Australia’s media then not only was it vital ABC and SBS were included but it’s also important AAP doesn’t fail. We will be holding the Government to account both on their promise today that funding to the ABC will not be reduced as a result of their inclusion in the code, and on efforts to provide ongoing financial stability to the AAP through the proposed PING Trust.

“We will work through details of the legislation with a senate inquiry. From what we know today, this is an important step forward. We are committed to making sure big tech giants pay their fair share and operate in an environment that is regulated in the interest of the community.

“Over the coming months the Senate Inquiry into Media Diversity in Australia will also be looking at the broader issues that affect public interest journalism in Australia.”