Greens welcome Labor’s movement on anti-racism strategy and call for funding commitment to implement it


Australian Greens Deputy Leader and spokesperson for anti-racism, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has welcomed news that a national anti-racism strategy will be expedited and said the government must commit to fully funding its implementation.

Senator Faruqi said:

“I welcome news that the Government has finally seen the urgency of completing a national anti-racism strategy sooner rather than later. They must also commit to fully funding its implementation.

“Australia has a racism blind spot. For too long, governments have chosen to pretend that we do not have a problem with racism in our society.

“The reality is that racism is hurting and harming First Nations people and people of colour every single day. The last few months alone have exposed the extent of racism following the divisive campaign of misinformation, disinformation and fear run by conservative forces. 

“There is no place for racism, discrimination, antisemitism and islamophobia.  

“The time to deliver a national anti-racism campaign which tackles racist hate at its core is now, we cannot wait any longer. 

“If we don’t shake up the status quo and make drastic changes to address racism, white supremacy, far-right terrorism and the ongoing violence of colonialism in this country, minority communities will continue to be subjected to discrimination, disadvantage, harassment, racism and violence.”