Greens welcome local community leaders creating a more inclusive Australia Day


Australia Greens Senator Rachel Siewert has welcomed local community leaders in Cockburn and Bassendean considering an inclusive day for Australia Day.

“Both the City of Cockburn and Town of Bassendean have taken unifying steps in opening a dialogue on an Australia Day for everyone.

“Everyone should be able to celebrate our wonderful country on a day where all are welcome.

“Western Australian are inclusive and that was reflected in the large and enthusiastic turnout for Fremantle’s celebrations that occurred January 28. It is fantastic that the City of Cockburn have put money towards engaging local Aboriginal peoples in a meaningful dialogue on what Australia Day means for them.

“It is a shame that Mark McGowan has lurched towards the Liberal party’s fearful rhetoric that holds on to a day that locks people out. For the Premier to say ‘it shouldn’t be played around with’ dismisses the concerns of many Western Australians who acknowledge that for our First Peoples it is a day of pain.

“It would be fantastic to see this addressed at a national level but due to the Prime Minister’s harsh opposition to even discussing the issue, local community leaders are having to take matters into their own hands. I applaud them for it.

“The Greens support local community leaders in creating a more inclusive Australia”.