Greens welcome the ‘yes’ result and look forward to passing the cross-party legislation


The Australian Greens welcome today’s ‘yes’ result and look forward to passing cross-party legislation in parliament as soon as possible.

“I am delighted at today’s result. Australia has voted ‘yes’ to love, ‘yes’ to human rights, ‘yes’ to equality,” said Senator Janet Rice, Australian Greens LGBTIQ spokesperson.

“I know that right across the country there will be celebration and relief that Australians chose love and voted ‘yes’. I can’t wait to hear the wedding bells ringing for LGBTIQ couples as soon as possible.”

“Now it’s time for parliament to do its job and pass the legislation. I’m pleased to be co-sponsoring the cross-party marriage bill, along with Dean Smith and others in the Liberal and Labor parties, the Greens, NXT and Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party.”